4th Round done
I visited with Robert yesterday. He had just finished the fourth round of chemo and was waiting for the doctors to tell him he could go home. By the time you are reading this he will already be at home. He is having less nausea during the chemo treatments- which is a very good thing. They are spacing the treatments by about 14 days- rather than longer, with the idea of giving him more chemo over a shorter period of time.
Soon they will give him a catscan and check on the size of the tumors and see how effective the chemo has been. Please continue to pray for Robert's healing- and for a good report.
Robbie looked good to me- he told me he is working hard to put on "LB's" in between treatments. LB's= pounds.
I know he would appreciate any notes or emails you send- his email is Lurch1333@yahoo.com
Thank you for your prayers,